Our Spain Social Security calculator is an Excel, which is made of different values, whom help us to understand how, calculate Social Security total cost for the employer.
This calculator is very simple to use introducing the annual salary you want to pay for your employee, the qualification framework level and the employee occupation.
You obtain the monthly social security cost for the employer and employee and total social security of general type cost.
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1.- Annual and monthly salary includes base salary and complements of worker such as transport bonus, seniority bonus and others.
2 – Qualification Framework level is very important because this value provide information about minimum and maximum bases for the social security contributions.
3 – Gross monthly salary is the value formed by annual salary divided in twelve months of year that help us to calculate the rest of values.
4 – Occupation is the value that show us work post of the employee that we calculate the total of social security cost and value to search the professional contingencies contributions. We are not included all the different business activities, which are hundreds but we have included the additional provision 4th (Ley 42/2006), where are located all the occupations. We have added a hyperlink so that be easier to calculate.
5 – Total monthly social security general type cost show us total monthly cost for employer and total cost for the employee.
7 – In “Most common work places” we put the most representative kinds of work places. We have chosen the mean values of 2,5% which is applicable in all kinds of sectors or jobs.
8 – This calculator is for no end-term contracts cost, but in limited duration contracts have different type of contribution.
To conclude, this calculator shows the approximately social security cost, for a more detailed study please do not hesitate to contact us.