Income Declaration for the Period 2023
Calle Sorni 7, 1º-A
46004 Valencia, Spain
964 250 099
Calle Ruiz Zorrilla 1, 3º
12001 Castellon Spain
Paseo de la Castellana 40, 8º
28046 Madrid Spain
Dear costumer
In Employing in Spain We want to remind you that the Income Tax return campaign for the 2023 period began on April 3 and the deadline for its submission ends on July 1, 2024, regardless of the form or route in which it is submitted.
¿What are the forms or ways to present the declaration?
June 26 will be the last day to direct debit the payment in those declarations that have results to be entered.
From April 29 to June 28, you can request an appointment for an AEAT official to assist you by telephone in the presentation of your declaration, assistance that will be provided only from May 7.
From May 29 to June 28, you can request an appointment for the in-person declaration, which can only be made from June 3.
¿Who is required to submit the declaration?
Those who receive gross annual income of more than €22,000 from a single payer are required to file the declaration, or income of more than €15,000 per year from two or more payers as long as more than €1,500 per year have been received from the second or subsequent payers in total. If you have income from dividends, from shares, from any type of income from movable capital that exceeds €1,600, those who have imputed income from real estate, aid, government subsidies and others exceeding one thousand euros will also be required to submit the declaration, among others. other situations contemplated by the LIRPF.
¿What happens if mistakes are made the presentation of the declaration?
Inaccurate self-assessments or with false information that does not constitute damage to the Treasury, may give rise to a fine of €150; But, if the error generates economic damage to the Treasury, the amount of the fine will depend on whether or not the error has been notified. If this has not yet occurred, the taxpayer must pay 1%, plus another additional 1% for each month of delay, and 15% if more than 12 months have passed.
If the AEAT has already made the request, the penalty will be 50% of the amount owed if it does not exceed €3,000; but, if the amount is greater, it will be between 50% and 100% of the amount. If the Treasury considers the existence of signs of fraud in the declaration, the penalty can reach 150% of the amount owed.
¡We remain at your disposal for any clarification you may need!
We provide you with the most complete service in the presentation and resolution of your doubts. in optimizing your declaration with respect to reductions, deductions (for maternity, possession of cryptocurrencies, acquisition of electric vehicles, donations to NGOs, etc.), or benefits in general that may apply to you, and thus save you time and money .